Become a Member (Online Payment)

Become a Member (Online Payment)

Membership form for the MabDesign association

Company Name *
Intra-community VAT N° *
Phone *
Billing Email *
Number of employees *
Address *
Zip / Postcode *
City *
Country *
Membership category *
Upload logotype
Maximum file size: 4 MB
Amount of your membership
Brief description of the company *
This brief description will be used to present and highlight your organization on our communication media (e.g. social networks, newsletters).
Last name *
Email *
First name *
Phone *
OTHER contacts

• I hereby declare that I would like my company to join the Mabdesign Association and have taken note that my application for membership is subject to validation in accordance with the Association’s statutes.
• I authorize Mabdesign to publish the name of my company, its brief description and its visual identity as a member on the various communication media supports.

By sending this form to Mabdesign, I accept the privacy policy available at this link. In accordance with the French law concerning informatics and liberty , we inform you that your contact details are now listed in our files. You may exercise your right to access and rectify your personal data by contacting: contact(at) and/or by post: Mabdesign - Bât. L'Intial, 17 rue Crépet, 69007 Lyon.