Several times a year, MabDesign publishes its “Watches”, unique reviews aimed at the industry’s academic and industrial players. Drawing on our in-depth expertise and understanding of the field, the aim of our Watchs is to provide these players with the latest and most relevant data on scientific research, market analysis, intellectual property and continuing education. Two types of Watch are published each year: the Immunowatch, focusing on biotherapies, and the Bioprocesswatch, focusing on biomanufacturing.
Your biotherapy magazine
In English only

Each edition of Immunowatch focuses on a topic of interest to the sector: for example, a specific type of biotherapy, or the panorama of biotherapies in a given therapeutic area.
A series of special editions on COVID19 was also published.
Your bioproduction magazine
In English only

Each year, a topic related to biomanufacturing is chosen as the focus of a Bioprocesswatch.
This could be an innovative biomanufacturing technology, or the production of a particular biotherapy, for example.
A Bioprocesswatch “Meeting report ” is also published following our BIOPC congress: it contains a summary of the main lectures, presentations from all the parallel sessions, etc.
The choice of themes to be addressed each year is made by the MabDesign’s Scientific advisory board (COSSF) and the content of each issue is supervised by an editorial committee (excluding special issues), made up of two or three experts in the field from academia and industry.
Editions 2024
December 2024
USP & DSP for viral vectors

Jérôme Bédier
Flash Biosolutions
In this issue, you will find an introduction to our views on innovations and challenges in the bioproduction of viral vectors. The other scientific articles discuss in detail the bioproduction of lentiviruses and adeno-associated viruses (AAV).
The content is provided by MabDesign’s Market Research team, Flash BioSolutions, DeSci Applied Research and Refyen with the support of RD-Biotech, Promega, Flash BioSolutions and Myriade.
August 2024
Issue n°10 - Immuno-oncology

Marion Brun
Brenus Pharma

Paul Bravetti
Brenus Pharma

Georges Alzeeb
Brenus Pharma

Marie-Alix Poul
University of Montpellier

Ikrame Dadi
University of Montpellier
For this first edition of Immunowatch devoted to a specific therapeutic area, we have chosen Immuno-Oncology as our focus, with an introduction to market data and the field’s pipeline.
You’ll also find scientific articles on new-generation immunotherapies, therapeutic vaccines and monoclonal antibodies.
Content provided by MabDesign’s Market Research Department, Mnemo Therapeutics, Institut Curie and Brenus Pharma, with support from ProteoGenix, PD-Value and Croda.
June 2024
Issue n°9 - Exosomes other extracellular vesicles

Florence Gazeau
Paris Diderot University

Jeanne Volatron
This edition offers you an overview of the potential of exosomes and extracellular vesicles, with global market data, as well as scientific articles focusing on vesicle characterization, the challenges of standardizing their production, and their potential in particular for diagnostic purposes.
The content is proposed by MabDesign’s Market Research Department, Promega, the national consortium for EV research, with the support of Bio-Techne and Myriade.
january 2024
BIOPC 2023 - Meeting report
The summary of the 8th Biomanufacturing Congress (BIOPC2023) organised by MabDesign, which took place on 5 and 6 October 2023 in Lyon, France. You will find a summary of the Keynote lecture, the plenary lectures and the breakthrough innovations presented around the theme ‘Accelerating BioPharma Development for Patients’.
Editions 2023
December 2023
Issue n°8 - Therapeutic cytokines immunocytokines

Nicolas Poirier
Ose Immunotherapeutics

Aurore Morello
Ose Immunotherapeutics

Erwan Mortier
University of Nantes
This is followed by a scientific article on IL-15, an article on PD-1 cis-targeting cytokines, an article on cytokines present in the tumor environment, and finally, an article on cytokine analysis in CAR-T cell cocultures.
October 2023
Analytical tools for biomanufacturing

Arnaud Delobel
Quality assistance


Alain Beck
Pierre Fabre
The scientific articles in this issue focus on analytical methods for cell therapies, adeno-associated virus (AAV) vectors, therapeutic antibodies and mRNA during biomanufacturing.
There’s also an article on the use of Raman to analyze CHO cell cultures, and on viscosity reduction during formulation.
Content provided by the Market Research departments of MabDesign, BioMérieux, Bio-Techne, ABL Europe, ExcellGene, Quality Assistance, Sartorius Stedim and Merck, with support from Clean Cells.
June 2023
Issue n°7 - RNA-based pharmaceuticals

Chantal Pichon
University of Orléans

Régis Gervier
An introduction presents the market for RNA-based products and its dynamics.
The scientific articles then discuss general considerations on mRNA production, modes of delivery, and future challenges for the production and therapeutic use of these products.
The content is provided by MabDesign’s Market Research department, the Yscript consortium, New England Biolabs, OZ Biosciences and Enstbb, with the support of RD-Biotech, Bio-Techne, Promega, Tebubio and Croda.
April 2023
Issue n°6- Antibody-drug conjugates

Jean-Guillaume Lafay
Mablink Biosciences

Caroline Denevault
University of Tours

Nicolas Joubert
University of Tours
In this issue, market data on antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs) provide an overview of deals, clinical trials and current projects.
Then scientific articles detail trends and challenges, including CMC, continuous improvement and solubility.
Content provided by MabDesign’s Market Research Department, Pierre Fabre, Université de Strasbourg, GTP-Bioways and Université de Tours, with support from Lumicks and Merck.
January 2023
BIOPC 2022 - Meeting report
The summary of the 7th Biomanufacturing Congress (BIOPC2022) organised by MabDesign, which took place on 29 and 30 September 2022 in Lyon, France. You will find a summary of the Keynote lecture, the plenary lectures and the breakthrough innovations presented around the theme ‘CMC readiness to accelerate Biotherapeutics for patients’.
Editions 2022
July 2022
Issue n°5 - Cellular therapies

Sophie Derenne
French Blood Establishment

Frédéric Desdouits
Treefrog Therapeutics
In this issue, you’ll find the latest market and pipeline data for cell therapies, with scientific articles on IPSCs, MSCs, organoids and B lymphocytes.
Content provided by MabDesign’s Market Research Department, CellProthera, Hasenrain Hospital, Japan Foundation for Innovation and Biomedical Research, Japan Health Institute, Kyoto University, Riken, Vision Care, Osaka Hospital, Keio University, TreeFrog, Institut Imagine, ICM, INRIA, Université de Bordeaux and Institut d’Optique Graduate School, EFS, Université Paris Est Créteil, Université de Paris-Saclay, l-Stem, Université de Rennes, Université de Limoges, Regimbeau with the support of RD-Biotech, System C and BioMérieux.
January 2022
Issue n°4- Gene therapies

Nicola Beltraminelli

Gerald Perret
An introduction to the gene therapy market and pipeline.
Scientific contributions deal with the challenges & successes of gene therapy, neurological diseases and genome correction and CRISPR/Cas9 tools.
Content provided by MabDesign Market Research, Genethon, Lysogene, University of Calgary and Regimbeau with support from BioAgilytix, Pall, ABL Europe and ImmunXperts.
Monoclonal antibody production

Alain Beck
Pierre Fabre

Hervé Broly
Merck Sereno
This first edition of BioprocessWatch on therapeutic antibodies introduces market data for this type of biomedicine.
It also includes scientific articles on antibodies approved in 2022, the challenges of batch-pooling in biomanufacturing and a KOL interview.
Content provided by the Market Research departments of MabDesign, ACTIP, Pierre Fabre, Merck-Serono, Catalent and GTP Bioways, with support from Promega and Protein Metrics.
BIOPC 2021 - Meeting report
The summary of the 6th Bioproduction Congress (BIOPC2021) organised by MabDesign, which took place on 30 September and 1 October 2021 in Lyon, France. You will find a summary of the Keynote lecture, plenary lectures and breakthrough innovations presented around the theme ‘Bioproduction challenges and opportunities for biotherapies: lessons learned from COVID-19 pandemic’.
Editions 2021
July 2021
Issue no. 3 - Bioproduction

Emmanuel Dequier
Director, Grand Défi Bioproduction

René Labatut
To announce the launch of MabDesign’s second Watch series, the BioprocessWatch, we have dedicated this edition to biomanufacturing.
In the introduction, you’ll find market data for this sector, followed by articles on the factory cell and the USP, DSP and Fill & Finish bioproduction stages, the use of virtual reality for training, and the MAC-BIORE project.
Content provided by MabDesign’s Market Research and Animation departments, Université de Lorraine, CHRU de Nancy, Yposkesi, Groupe IMT, ENSTBB and Sup’Biotech, with support from Agro-Bio, IDBiotech, Promega and GTP Bioways.
Editions 2020
November 2020
Issue n°2 - CAR-T cells

Hélène Negre

Ibtissam Marchiq

Jérôme Larghero
AP-HP Paris
In this issue, you’ll find the latest CAR-T market and pipeline data, a review of the literature and scientific articles on the use of CARTs in leukemia, B lymphoma and solid tumors, allogeneic CARTs, the pharmaceutical and hospital circuit for CARTs in France, intellectual property issues surrounding CARTs and continuing education in the field.
Content provided by MabDesign’s Market Research Department, AP-HP, Hôpital Saint-Louis, Université Paris Diderot, Servier, Regimbeau and ENTSBB, with support from Miltenyibiotec, Myriade and Berkeley lights.
May 2020
Special edition COVID-19
During the COVID19 pandemic, MabDesign launched a special edition to provide the industry with the latest, most relevant data on actions taken at regional, national, European and global levels in response to this health crisis.
In this edition and its various updates, you’ll find an analysis of the drug pipeline, diagnostic tests and the market, with a focus on actions in France.
We also monitor the patent landscape and public funding, and review the literature.
This work was carried out with the support of Covalab, Diaclone, Texcell, Biotem, Voxcan, Promega, Bioaster and Miltenyibiotec.
Download the first update (from 05/29/2020)
Download the second update (from 19/06/2020)
Download the third update (07/09/2020)
Download the fourth update (dated 12/14/2020)
Download the fifth update (from 05/03/2021)
Download the sixth update (from 16/02/2022)
February 2020
Issue n°1 - Monoclonal antibodies

Alain Beck
Pierre Fabre

Hervé Watier
University of Tours
The very first edition of our Immunowatch is devoted to therapeutic antibodies.
The introduction includes the latest market and pipeline data, as well as a literature review.
Scientific articles deal with the differences between antibodies and small chemical molecules, and intellectual property strategies for protecting antibodies.
The content is provided by MabDesign’s Market Research Department, the University of Tours and Regimbeau, with the support of Promega, mAbexperts and Biotem.
If you have any questions about our watches, please don’t hesitate to contact us!
We always have an edition in the pipeline that requires contributions from industry experts, as well as advertising inserts available.